No stone left unturned…

I’m a fairly independent person but when it came to my medical journey all I wanted was for someone to hold my hand. The journey back to health can be a long one but lately it feels a lot more like a light at the end of the tunnel and less of a never...

Is your weight loss program a lifestyle program?

While I have been trained and certified in the HCG program as well as the protein Sparing Modified Fast [incidentally my husband was the first physician to work with the Harvard researcher (Dr George Blackburn, MD, PhD) who developed this protocol], so many advances...
Hope for 2021

Hope for 2021

As 2020 draws to a close I cannot help but look forward with anticipation to the closing of this chapter.  It has been a tumultuous and often emotional year for all of us. The stress and challenges that have unfolded have often felt surreal and unending. And...