
You deserve better health. I promise you Susan can and will help you get there.

I never imagined how much I would need an advocate when I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease.

I was seeing an integrative medicine physician who diagnosed me, gave me a list of about 50 supplements, drops, tinctures and antibiotics to take and sent me on my way.  I was left all alone reeling, not knowing who to call or where to start.

Enter Susan Levin. I feel so lucky to have found Susan. She quickly looked at my diagnosis, the overwhelming protocol, and the pages of lab work I’d had done and started putting the pieces together. She took the time to explain what everything meant and why or why not I should attempt medications or supplements at this time or at all.

She’s an invaluable resource as she has personal relationships with Lyme literate doctors around the country. She has been involved in Lyme advocacy for many years and is up to date on both past and current treatment approaches. She’s even testified in front of Congress on these issues.

Susan is no nonsense and has no trouble questioning, and making recommendations to the physician. She attends appointments with me and clarifies my questions and concerns.  She keeps all of my data organized and at the ready because questions are always arising when you have a chronic condition.

Unfortunately our physicians don’t have time these days to personalize our charts and look after our needs in this way. And when you have Lyme disease your needs are many. You deserve to feel better. You deserve better health. I promise you Susan can and will help you get there. 

~ Karen Frazell, New jersey

Highly Recommend Susan Levin

Fighting my way back to life and health from late stage Lyme disease has been a wearying and humbling journey. 

Many of the treatment protocols have been complicated, and having to see numerous doctors in different states has made it difficult to ensure that my care was all coordinated. 2 1/2 years into my treatment process, it was clear that I was no longer qualified to be the liaison between my doctors. I needed a ringleader, and I found that in Susan Levin. 

She has shown tremendous skill and deep caring for my personal wellness. She’s not only interested in my numbers, but in making sure that I am feeling like my best self. She will settle for nothing less.

Because of her skills in the healthcare profession, she has been a tremendous communicator with all of my doctors, even finding one closer to home to help manage this next level of treatment. I highly recommend her to anyone who is dealing with a complex and long-standing life-constraining health issue. She’s the best!

~ Nia Davenport, North Carolina

Blessed to Have You in My Corner!

In a few short months Susan Levin has become an integral part of my 20 year journey battling Lyme Disease and I believe she will be the key that will finally unlock the secrets to regain my health.

The first time I met Susan I felt like I’d known her for years!! She is friendly, personable, kind and possesses the uncanny ability to immediately create an atmosphere of positivity and hope! She is a vigilante, tireless, organized and determined investigator who will be there for you to listen, encourage, answer questions, no matter how small, and support your quest towards improved health!

If you are struggling like I was, treating an illness for years without regaining total wellness, call Susan! I promise, you will not be disappointed!! Her thoroughness and attention to detail as she pours over your entire medical history will help you get those elusive answers.

Thank you Susan… I’m blessed to have you in my corner!!!

K.F. – Blairsville, Georgia

Susan never gives up when working with a client…

Susan Levin has been my Nutritional Consultant and “Life Enhancer and Saver” for over a year and a half.

Her expertise and wise counseling have been there for me every step of the way in my wellness journey.

One example is when a pulmonologist gave me a prescription for proton pump inhibitors. Susan alleged this type of treatment would be extremely harmful to me and difficult to get off, if I started.

I never filled the doctor’s prescription. Instead, Susan’s expertise went into full healing mode: With her mix of probiotics, enzymes and specialized diet, she was able to heal me completely! When I went back to the doctor 3 months later, the doctor was extremely satisfied with my healing without the harmful drugs!

One of the most significant insights she diagnosed was going on for over a year. At the very beginning of the year, Susan told me what she determined were my issues.

Even a gastroenterologist could not determine what exactly had been going on with my body for over a year!

I finally had the tests Susan recommended a year earlier and Susan was correct!!!! The tests came back positive for what Susan initially diagnosed. 

A few of these tests I had to pay for, however, Susan has experience with many non-traditional and worthy sources that have the integrity and expertise she demands when recommending providers.

Susan never gives up when working with a client and has vast resources to recommend.

I am very confident in Susan’s expertise and ability to understand the complexities of each person’s healing quotient. She is amazing and competent, and I am more than willing to speak to anyone who wants specific information on the aforementioned issues I was dealing with.

Please ask Susan for my contact information.

Thank you, Susan Levin, from the bottom of my heart.

~ Mira Bergen, Atlanta, Georgia

I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of Susan Levin

I had Lyme for the better part of 3 years. At the beginning I felt things were always going nowhere. One step forward two steps back. My symptoms came and went. My moods were all over the board. My anxiety was huge and I knew I was sick.

My Mom reached out and contacted Susan Levin. Once Susan got involved things immediately started heading in the right direction. She reviewed several years of labs, and looked for possible missing links to my puzzle. She teased my history apart and worked closely to prepare a comprehensive report detailing all my previous significant labs, symptoms, medications, supplements, herbs etc. She asked so many questions that no one had ever asked me before.

She helped me locate a Doctor and then she went to work closely with my Lyme doctor to help ensure that the treatment I was getting was as comprehensive as it could be.

Her wealth of knowledge on Lyme and her unending support were what helped the most. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of Susan Levin. Anyone struggling with Lyme symptoms should look for her help. I went from having Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia to being in complete remission. The work was hard but Susan”s guidance was what kept me going.

~ Giancarlo Anastasia, New York

You Never Gave Up

“We are on the best road and combination that was reasonably possible. Thank you for all your care and all the right choices and connections through an unbelievable roller coaster ride that you experienced with us. You never gave up and can’t thank you enough for that.”

~ Dad of young adult son

You Saved my Life

This letter cannot even begin to show my gratitude for you and Dr. Levin for guiding me through the path to wellness. Without your altruistic practices, I don’t believe I would be well today, and quite frankly, I am not sure I would be alive.

Before I found you and the doctor, I was extremely traumatized by several surgeries that had taxed my body, but mainly was poisoned by Ciproflaxin toxicity while under anesthesia.  I had severe gastrointestinal distress combined with an immune system that had completely shut down.  This was coupled with a positive Lyme disease test, and total disruption of my nervous system.   Prior to these incidences, I had been an athlete and enjoyed extremely good health.

Before I found you both, I had run the gamut of traditional “specialists”, who completely dismissed my symptoms. My husband and I were told multiple times that they couldn’t help me.  That was the beginning of my very strange journey through the (sometimes) dark side of Western “traditional” medicine and “Big Pharma”.  It was an awakening to the corruption in the medical community and the total disregard for the patients symptoms, by the doctors.  The shortcomings by doctors to assess a patient using inductive reasoning is alarming.  I was looked down upon, as sick as I was, for insinuating that I had been poisoned by an antibiotic. I was told so many things by so many doctors, my husband and I were at a loss.   

When I found your practice, you saved my life. You were the first medical professionals that truly believed my toxicity, and that was part of the cure. I am sure I cried to have finally found someone who listened to me and BELIEVED me and truly cared about me as a person. I had basically been bedridden for two years before we were referred to you. You listened to everything I said about what was going on with my body and couldn’t have cared more about me as a person, if you were my own family. You were a Godsend to me and my husband who were at the end of having any hope that I would get better. You and the doctor worked so closely and really heard me as a patient and put together a protocol to not “fix” me, but to get my body healthy again. Your perspective on what direction with which to approach healing was so brilliant.    

You and the doctor taught me so much about healing and faith and believing that wellness is always attainable. It is an invaluable lesson my husband and I carry with us still. We have a monumental fondness, deep respect and appreciation for you both. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for giving me my life back.

~ Melissa Walter

All In

I have known Susan Levin for more than 25 years.

I highly recommend her as a health coach and practice management consultant. You will have to search the world over to find anyone as knowledgeable in the field of alternative and integrative medicine and most likely will never find anyone as nice and helpful as Susan is.

As a health coach, Susan is “all in.” She is extremely knowledgeable, cares deeply about the well-being of others, and possesses amazing drive to thoroughly guide and support her clients.

She is a true partner who will champion your best interests throughout your journey to optimal health.

Best Regards,

~ David A Steenblock, BS,MS, DO, California

Personalized Medical Regeneration (sub-specialty of stem cell therapies)

Unique position in the healthcare maze

I first met Susan and Warren Levin about 30 years ago.  Susan worked with her husband in his medical office, where she was a conduit for getting his job done with patients, eloquently and efficiently, and at the same time help the patients to get what they needed to put them on the path to wellness.

Although she is not a medical practitioner, her depth of knowledge and her ability to digest the issues, transmit that knowledge, and advocate for the patient, with a commitment and a passion, gives her a unique position in the health care maze.

As a medical office facilitator, or as a patient advocate and educator, I highly recommend her for any medical office, that wants to upgrade the quality of their patient care or for patients wanting a caring, knowledgeable, and compassionate medical advocate.

~ Steven J. Bock M.D., Rhinebeck, NY

You Can’t Afford Not to Work with Susan Levin

I have been supporting my son through long term Lyme and co-infections for several years.

He has struggled through college and part time work having to drop two semesters because he just couldn’t make it through because of Lyme. For me, personally, making the decision to bring Susan Levin on board has made a night and day difference in every way.

Susan’s knowledge is vast and she continues to be educated in the ever changing quest for knowledge on how to heal from Lyme and its multiple coinfections. When working with doctors I have been able to reach out to her in this area. I contacted her about a year ago and she helped me select a new LLMD that she felt would be a good fit for my son in upstate in NY.

While we got started I was working part time, managing our household and trying to push through my own health issues which were not improving. I found myself floundering in labs, paper work, treatments, and I just didn’t know where things were headed for my son. I was at a loss and instinctively knew I couldn’t do this on my own any more. It was becoming overwhelming to say the least.

Susan to the rescue! She has been a tremendous support to me both emotionally and because of her knowledge, I feel at peace knowing I can go to her to solve any of the health issues that come up and know she will be able to recommend a next step.

Her knowledge of treatment works hand in hand with the doctor.

Her ability to organize the patient, the family support and information coming from the doctor is critically important, especially with Lyme. She works to communicate with all the parties assisting in setting up parameters and areas of responsibilities while not stepping on anyone’s toes! She is caring and supportive and not judgmental, knowing this is a difficult course to navigate.

She participates in conference calls….we work together. She has brought peace back to our lives because of her support. We don’t have to go through this alone anymore.

Working with Susan Levin is a pleasure. She listens and understands. She reads between the lines and can verbalize what the problems are whether organizational, therapies and/or support.

~ Caregiver

Unique position in the healthcare maze

I first met Susan and Warren Levin about 30 years ago.  Susan worked with her husband in his medical office, where she was a conduit for getting his job done with patients, eloquently and efficiently, and at the same time help the patients to get what they needed to put them on the path to wellness.

Although she is not a medical practitioner, her depth of knowledge and her ability to digest the issues, transmit that knowledge, and advocate for the patient, with a commitment and a passion, gives her a unique position in the health care maze.

As a medical office facilitator, or as a patient advocate and educator, I highly recommend her for any medical office, that wants to upgrade the quality of their patient care or for patients wanting a caring, knowledgeable, and compassionate medical advocate.

~ Steven J. Bock M.D., Rhinebeck, NY