Susan is a remarkable coach

I have known Susan Levin for the past 10 years. We have worked together on a number of patients. Susan is a remarkable coach. This comes from a combination of (1) her profound knowledge of the many medical things that can cause psychiatric symptoms in infections such...

I am beyond grateful for your help

Thank you for all your time and help with our patient/client B.O. I am beyond grateful for your help and I have learned so much from your expertise. I have really enjoyed being a part of this team and I am hopeful you can get B.O. back to somewhat of a more normal...

One Step Ahead

With great enthusiasm I submit this letter of endorsement for Susan Levin. As a senior Clinic Outreach and Business Development Manager in the Amen Clinics organization, I have had the opportunity to come across many integrative practitioners and clinicians over the...

Someone you want on your team

Susan Levin is  a good person to work with.  She is tenacious when it comes to looking out for you and your practice. I really appreciate how she looks at the bottom line and return on investments. We physicians tend to be challenged in that area. She looks at your...

All In

I have known Susan Levin for more than 25 years. I highly recommend her as a health coach and practice management consultant. You will have to search the world over to find anyone as knowledgeable in the field of alternative and integrative medicine and most likely...