With great enthusiasm I submit this letter of endorsement for Susan Levin.

As a senior Clinic Outreach and Business Development Manager in the Amen Clinics organization, I have had the opportunity to come across many integrative practitioners and clinicians over the past seven years.

Rarely do I have an opportunity to work with a person as intuitively gifted and committed to her client/patient care as Susan Levin.

She is so much more than a Certified Life and Health Coach and Susan continues on with her husband’s pioneer integrative legacy with every person she comes in contact with.

I first met Susan at the Consortium of Integrative Care Practitioners of Atlanta (CICPA) educational and interactive clinical case study event. We were discussing actual difficult to treat cases and recognizing potential diagnostic issues and treatment recommendations. It was obvious that Susan was incredibly perceptive and strategic when it came to integrative diagnostics, tests, labs and supplements.

She is creative, outside-the box, and methodical.

She has a command of the basic sciences and a genuine curiosity about the clinical presentations and the patients themselves. She assisted in augmenting the groups thinking and developing efficacious and meaningful strategies.

Susan immerses herself in solving clinical problems, and is incredibly inspired, persistent, and collaborative until she has found answers. Susan demonstrates a high level of competency, commitment, and diligence for her very complicated diagnostic cases.

She encompasses a “can do” attitude.

As a multi-clinic Outreach Manager responsible to assess the competencies and character of medical and clinical professionals for our physicians to refer to, I appreciate her genuine ability to be one step ahead with a high level of professional competency and well thought out treatment plan for every referred case.

In summary, I am grateful for the opportunity to know and collaborate as a team with Susan Levin. She is an exceptional consultant, counselor and Certified Life and Health Coach. She is skillful in Candida, Obesity, Diabetes, Multiple Systemic Infections, including Lyme Disease, Food Allergy Addiction, Environmental Allergies, Children on the Autistic Spectrum along with ADHD.

Her work ethic and integrity defines her. Her compassion for others guides her and her tenacity makes her better at her client/patient goals than most we see these days.

I would recommend her to anyone as an advocate for anything involving the need for education, strategic options, treatments and protocols that can lead to a person’s complete healing and optimal recovery.

Tom Bowen
Senior Clinic Outreach Manager, Atlanta Clinic
