Susan Levin has been my Nutritional Consultant and “Life Enhancer and Saver” for over a year and a half.
Her expertise and wise counseling have been there for me every step of the way in my wellness journey.
One example is when a pulmonologist gave me a prescription for proton pump inhibitors. Susan alleged this type of treatment would be extremely harmful to me and difficult to get off, if I started.
I never filled the doctor’s prescription. Instead, Susan’s expertise went into full healing mode: With her mix of probiotics, enzymes and specialized diet, she was able to heal me completely! When I went back to the doctor 3 months later, the doctor was extremely satisfied with my healing without the harmful drugs!
One of the most significant insights she diagnosed was going on for over a year. At the very beginning of the year, Susan told me what she determined were my issues.
Even a gastroenterologist could not determine what exactly had been going on with my body for over a year!
I finally had the tests Susan recommended a year earlier and Susan was correct!!!! The tests came back positive for what Susan initially diagnosed.
A few of these tests I had to pay for, however, Susan has experience with many non-traditional and worthy sources that have the integrity and expertise she demands when recommending providers.
Susan never gives up when working with a client and has vast resources to recommend.
I am very confident in Susan’s expertise and ability to understand the complexities of each person’s healing quotient. She is amazing and competent, and I am more than willing to speak to anyone who wants specific information on the aforementioned issues I was dealing with.
Please ask Susan for my contact information.
Thank you, Susan Levin, from the bottom of my heart.
~ Mira Bergen, Atlanta, Georgia