While I have been trained and certified in the HCG program as well as the protein Sparing Modified Fast [incidentally my husband was the first physician to work with the Harvard researcher (Dr George Blackburn, MD, PhD) who developed this protocol], so many advances and changes have been made and while it is important to stay up to date with these programs, I decided quite a few years ago that to lose weight and keep it off, more is involved than just jumping on the New Year’s Weight Loss Syndrome.

I want my clients to succeed, but I want them to do it with healthy lifestyle habits.

Failure is not on my radar. 

As I work with my clients today, I share with them that there is certain testing that needs to be done to get an understanding on how their bodies function.  To do that requires a comprehensive review of their history, symptoms, medications, exercise/fitness program and more.  Do we start today? Yes, but not with a weight loss program. Does it mean that my clients are given a program to start? Yes. And many are amazed that by making just some changes while we are getting testing done, they are beginning to experience some weight loss.

I started to work with a client in the fall. She is a woman in her 50’s who came to me as she cannot lose weight. When we did a complete review, we found there were several imbalances, including hormones and thyroid as well as other issues that I felt needed to be addressed. My client agreed and so we had her MD draw bloods and I arranged for other specialty labs as she has had long term GI issues and was concerned about food sensitivities. These issues can impact the success of any program as foods can cause edema as well as other issues.

A program of supplements, probiotics and digestive enzymes were prescribed while we awaited the results of the tests. Once the labs were back, we scheduled a consult to start Bio-identical Hormone Replacement and Compounded Thyroid which contained a balance of T3/T4 based on her results. 

When the stool results were returned, we addressed those issues and with the food allergy testing, we eliminated those foods she most reacted to. 

By taking the time to do all of this my client agreed that she would have the greatest chance for success, once she embarked on a program, I designed for her.

By supporting her immune system and evaluating her supplement program we have given her body a chance to achieve better health with all the support she needed. 

Today, my client is losing weight and working to achieve her goals. She feels well, is energized and enjoying how her energy has rebounded and how she is more focused at her work. Her GI symptoms have been significantly reduced and she is getting out and exercising and enjoying it so much more. 

By addressing her issues, from the beginning we laid the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle program.  My client now has the tools and has gained a great deal of knowledge about what she needs to do to support her body. At the point that she arrives at achieving her weight loss goals we will work on a maintenance program and continue her supplements, which are essential for life and during the time of COVID!  She will have her hormones rechecked every 6 months and adjusted as need be.

I love hearing how my clients are doing with their new lifestyle program, and they love to share with me how the lbs. are falling off and how wonderful they are feeling.