As 2020 draws to a close I cannot help but look forward with anticipation to the closing of this chapter. It has been a tumultuous and often emotional year for all of us.
The stress and challenges that have unfolded have often felt surreal and unending.
And yet at the same time, when I have taken those moments to sit and pause, I have also often counted my blessings and felt the gratitude of deep relationships that keeps my heart full –
Good health is more than just evading this virus. It is working on yourself every day. It is all the small steps that add up to real health. Mind. Body and Soul. They are all connected.
In these challenging times I encourage you to eat the best whole foods you can, get enough sleep, feel gratitude for those things that are good and nourishing in your life, slow down and notice the little things.
The holidays under usual circumstances can be a challenging time for many. For many people, this year may add another layer of emotional disconnect or feelings of isolation. Please be mindful of this.
Reach out to someone you think might need a call. Tell those you love that you care. Be kind.
So, finally, this is my remaining thought.
Peace is not something you wish for. It is something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away.
So, let us ALL do, give, be and Make Peace
~ Susan Levin, Your Medical Detective