One of a Kind.  Extraordinary care.  Personal, detailed, attentive, professional, respected, educator, bridge-builder.  

Susan’s incredible standard and ethic of patient care serves to guide both the patient and their family through the diagnosis process that often includes feeling overwhelmed, and confused at the needs for one’s health adaptations – to the new and unknowns –  to equipping each one and serving them as the individuals that they are, and in equipping the patient to become a voice of representation for their own health care and well-being.

Whether she is serving as a conduit and working closely as part of building a patient care team or helping the patient to understand the proven, published, case history of benefits of choosing a healthier lifestyle, Susan has incredible experience and expertise to offer.

We met her when our daughter was deathly ill from a very late diagnosis of Lyme disease complex.  Organs, body systems, brain, horrific pain and suffering complicated the journey and we were led to a functional medicine approach.  Susan was a part of our daughter’s greater team.  Her undying loving support and ensuring that we had what we needed during our functional appointments brought comfort that allowed us to breathe through the challenges and grasp the understanding of her amazing physician and protocol recommendations.

There was not one time over the course of several years of intense treatment needs, that she was not an ambassador advocating for our daughter’s best – as if she were her own.  She became beloved family to our daughter and to us.  You cannot find this in today’s medical communities of revolving doors and fast pace movement of patients.

Susan is a gift, she is educated and she is qualified to help you and if you have opportunity to be guided by her professional care, run, do not walk.  You will be blessed for the investment into your health or that of your loved one.

~ Barry and Diana Holtry