COVID-19 is a Nutritional Crisis – Part 1 of 3
Being a Medical Detective I spend a great deal of time with my clients looking for underlying issues that go beyond the symptoms that are observed or felt. Symptoms are what American Medicine is based on rather than delving beneath the surface. To that end I encourage my clients to think, to consider, to read and to ask questions.
So, now we are at a turning point in what has been a very tumultuous time for us all near and far. We are beginning to open the door a little at a time and to consider what we have learned and what we might encounter as we venture out.
To that end I am writing this blog post to share with you what we have been told, what you might not have learned, what you might now want to reconsider and to explore the incredible opportunity that Americans have as they step forward back into their lives.
Each week for the next 3 weeks I will be sharing my thoughts and other expert’s thinking as well as empowering you with some recommendations, to consider, on your diet, and supplements that will provide you with immune support.
You will be able to feel more confident returning to a fuller life with the understanding that when you get in your car, or cross the street or step out of the front door there are always intrinsic risks. However, having some extra tools in your toolbox and some additional knowledge I hope you will be empowered to take that next step feeling better, more excited, and ready for the challenge.
Now that the country is starting to reopen, we are hearing all kinds of things to do to lessen the possibility of a return of COVID-19. However, there is a lot of fear and confusion about what people should be doing. Let’s begin with a review of fully referenced facts about COVID-19. And, let’s consider what we have been told:
- Wear a mask all the time . – Or should we? Here is another opinion..
- Wear gloves.
- Stay at least 6 feet away from someone else. – You should continue to quarantine as best as possible. Certainly, we need to protect those at most risk. Although according to some epidemiologists we need to get out and be exposed to each other’s germs. To shut down society, shut down businesses, I believe has created more fear and anxiety that is not being addressed.
The result among other things has been a huge increase in alcohol consumption. In addition, alcohol use breeds depression. What we need are ways to lift up ourselves:.
- Like a walk-in nature!
- We need Oxygen!
- We need fresh air.
- We need sunlight.
- We need companionship.
- We need to interact with our families, grandchildren, colleagues, coworkers, go for walks, if we are healthy, enjoy the beauty of nature.
- We need to laugh and find humor and joy and delight.
- We need to return to work not just to earn a living, but to be productive and be a contributor to our society.
- Finally, we need to address what we are doing to care for our souls
To me just the word Pandemic creates panic along with the use by all social media today adding to the overall panic and anxiety, that it has resulted in the inability of millions of Americans to cope. People are frozen. They have turned to things that comfort them such as food, alcohol, medications, being couch potatoes and such.
They do not realize that these measures while seeming soothing or calming at the moment, are actually wreaking havoc with their immune systems, their emotions, their brains, and their ability to adjust to a new unknown.
Our brains and our bodies are in turmoil and the messages you are giving your body is being reflected. Your body listens to what you think and remembers what you say.
So, remember, attitude is everything so, pick a good one. Having positive thoughts is also remembered by every part of your body.
We are told the world will not be the same until everyone is vaccinated and that leaves me asking a lot of questions, especially as so many treatments are being found each day that can work and, perhaps, are safer than the potential side effects of vaccines. Remember, no one that is immune compromised should receive a vaccine. To be more precise at least 10 million Americans are immunocompromised. So, here is the opportunity to improve our health, quality of life and longevity.
As I leave you at the end of this first article in a series, I hope you will start to look, consider and question how you can begin to move back into society with some guidelines that are not generally offered by the mainstream.
Check back next week as we talk more about COVID-19 and what we can do to improve our immunity during this crisis.
In the meantime please check out my previous posts here about COVID-19.